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Family Ministries

Women of Faith Ministry

The Women of Faith Ministry is led by First Lady Valerie Newman.  This ministry encourages FCC women to grow in their faith in Christ by providing opportunities including Women of Faith, Women's Day, and the Pillars of Grace.

Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry is led by Deacon Jeff Moore.  This ministry serves to build the spiritual growth of FCC men by providing activities including the Men's Prayer Group, Men's Day Services, and other activities.

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Saints in Love

(Marriage Ministry)

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The Saints in Love Ministry is led by Assistant Pastor Gary and Sister Patricia Walker.  This ministry provides formal and informal fellowship opportunities for married couples defined by the Holy Bible.  Our goal is to understand God's guidance in marriage and family by incorporating God's word for strength, restoration, and unity.


"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Genesis 2:24 KJV




Pillars of Grace

Wonderful group of FCC "seasoned" Church Mothers. They are strong prayer warriors, and the Queens of FCC.

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Women of Faith

Women of the Word sponsors an annual conference designed to strengthen and exhilarate the spiritual growth of FCC women and guests.

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