Worship and Arts Ministries
related to in-person services will resume when safe per COVID safety protocols and procedures.
The Dance Ministry is led by Sister Michelle Newman. This ministry magnifies the Lord through dance and enhances the worship atmosphere. Click "Dance" to email us for more information
Music Ministry
The Music Ministry is led by Brother Benny Smith and serves to encourage the full participation of the congregation during services. This ministry magnifies the Lord through music. Click "Music Ministry" to email us for more information.
The Security Patrol Ministry helps to ensure the safety and security of in-person church services and meetings.
The Greeter Ministry welcomes all church attendees to in-person church services.
The Usher Ministry is led by Sister Diana Knox and serves to make the in-person church service a comfortable experience.
Deacon & Deaconess Ministry
Servant-leaders of Family Christian Center who minister to the physical needs of the members of the body of Christ. Deacon Jay Tatum leads the Deacon Ministry.
Religious Studies/Learning Center Ministry
Brother Titus & Sister Ashley Newman lead this ministry. The Society of Religious Literacy (SORL) Learning Center will cultivate religious literacy in learners. This ministry is designed to enhance the ability of learners to understand the nature and impact of religions in the world and to articulate informed responses about religions and world views.
New Members & Discipleship Ministry
The New Members & Discipleship Ministry is facilitated by Assistant Pastor Yahya Bayyan and is designed to better understand the bible. This ministry involves interactive classes and sessions designed to share & understand the word of God by walking through the bible. Classes are designed to allow for freedom of expression by all participants through questions and comments. Sessions will be available in real time via technology.